Link – Original Appearance: The Legend of Zelda (v. 1.0)

Link (Original appearance, The Legend of Zelda)



Yellow, brown, green, dark brown, and skin tone worsted weight yarn

3.5 mm E crochet hook, tapestry needle

safety eyes, polyfill


Legs (make 2)

Rnd 1: With dark brown, make a magic ring and sc 8 (8)

Rnd 2: sc 3, 3 dc bobble st 2, sc 3 (8)

Rnd 3 – 4: sc in each st (8)

Rnd 5: Change to medium brown, sc around, attach to first st of round with sl st and FO (8)

     Change to yellow

Rnd 6: in BLO, sc 3, inv dec, sc 4 (7)

Rnds 7 -9: sc in each st (7)

      sl st in next st and FO

      Lightly stuff the legs.


Body and Head

Rnd 1: With yellow,  join the legs and sc 5, sc tog, sc 5, sc tog (12)

Rnd 2: [sc 5, inc] 2 times (14)

Rnd 3: Change to green, sc around (14)

      Change to dark brown

Rnd 4: in BLO, sc around (14)

      Change to green

Rnd 5 – 6: sc around (14)

Rnd 7: invdec, sc 5, change to medium brown, sc 2, change to green, invdec, sc 5 (12)

      Stuff the body

Rnd 8: invdec 3, change to brown, sc 2, change to green, invdec 2 (6)

      Change to skin color

Rnd 9: sc around (6)

Rnd10: inc 6 (12)

Rnd 11: [sc, inc] 2 times, [sc, hdc] in next st, dc, [hdc, sc] in next st, [sc, inc] 2 times (18)

Rnd 12: sc 4, [ch 5, working in back loop of ch, sl st in second chain from hook, sc 2, hdc, dc, next sc in Rnd] ear made, sc 10, ear, sc 4 (18)

Rnd 13: sc 4, invdec over ear, catching the rear most and front most st, sc 4, [ch 3, sl st, sc 2 in back loops of ch and sc] nose made, sc 4, invdec over ear catching the front and rear st of ear, sc 3 (16 st not including nose)

Rnd 14: sc 4, insert your hook into the loop from side/back of ear to make it stand up, then put your hook into the next sc in round, draw up a loop, pull this loop through the first two loops on the hook, YO, and pull through both loops on hook to complete the sc, sc 5, skip nose and sc on the other side of it, sc 4, insert your hook into the loop from side/back of ear to make it stand up, then put your hook into the next sc in round, draw up a loop, pull this loop through the first two loops on the hook, YO, and pull through both loops on hook to complete the sc, sc 3 (17)

Rnd 14: sc around (17)

Rnd 15: [invdec, sc] 5 times, sc (12)

Rnd 16: [invdec, sc] 4 times (8)

      Attach safety eyes between rounds 14 and 15.

      Stuff the head

Rnd 16: invdec to close the hole (4)



Bottom of shirt

Turn the doll upside down.

Join green yarn to one of the free loops at the bottom of the belt.

Rnd 1: sc 4, inc, sc 6, inc, sc 4 (15)

Rnd 2: sc around (15)

Rnd 3: [inc, sc 4] 3 times (18)

FO, weave in ends


Arms (make 2)

Rnd 1: with skin color, make a magic ring and sc 6 (6)

Rnd 2 – 3: sc around (6)

      Change to medium brown

Rnd 4 – 8: sc around (6)

      Sl st and FO, leaving a long yarn end for sewing.

      Sew arms to body: note that the right arm should be parallel to the floor to hold his shield where the left is his sword arm so it can be more at his side.



With green, make a magic ring and sc 3

Rnd 1: sc 3 (3)

Rnd 2: inc around (6)

Rnd 3: sc around (6)

Rnd 4: [sc 2, inc] 2 times (8)

Rnd 5: sc around (8)

Rnd 6: [sc 2, inc] 2 times, sc, inc (11)

Rnd 7: inc, sc 10 (12)

Rnd 8: sl st 2, sc 2, hdc 2, dc, hdc 2, sc 2, sl st (12)

Rnd 9: invdec, [sc, inc] two times, hdc, 2 hdc in next st, hdc, [inc, sc] 2 times, invdec (15)

Rnd 10: [sc 2, inc] 3 times, sc 3, connect to first st of round with a sl st and FO (18)

Rnd 11: with yellow, [sc 3, inc] 5 times, leaving off the last inc (22)

Rnd 12: sc around (22)

FO, leaving a long end for sewing.



Wrap medium brown (or one shade lighter if you prefer) yarn around a 2” piece of cardboard 14-18 times. Stitch up the middle to make a wig. Position the wig on the doll’s head with the stitch seam going from ear to ear. Arrange the hair so there is about three strands in front of each ear and then gather the remainder of the front hair into a pointy cluster over the right eye. Arrange the back half of the hair evenly behind the ears. You can stitch or glue the wig on, but I just stitched on the hat over the wig to hold the wig in place. Trim hair to page boy length for back and forelocks and to stick out as much as you like in the front, shaping the front bunch to a bit of a point.


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